The most exciting TWSC event since regional competition in March was our coaching session on May 9th with Ryan Heller. Ryan is so energetic, talented, and witty! Between him and our own energetic, talented, and witty director, Betty, we learned a LOT! Ryan is urging us to stay involved mentally 100% of the time – no lapses in our mental focus! Add to that the requirement to stay involved vocally – again, no lapses... We must have a destination for each phrase, keeping the air moving. We must make more use of the pronouns to assist in bringing the story to life. Oh – and speaking of focus, we must maintain the resonance and focus in our voices on EVERY chord – duh… Every chord, not so easy but we're learning!
It's great fun – and a welcome challenge—to step up to the expectations and to assist each other along the way. Singing well is a reward unto itself. We're putting one foot in front of the other and making steady progress.
The next chance to hear us LIVE is on June 11 at our show. Why not check us out and hear some other excellent music while you're at it!!!