On March 27, TWSC members met at the Hilton Hotel North on Greenspoint Rd to have one last rehearsal before our Big Day on March 28th. We rehearsed our two competition songs primarily and deepened our confidence and our trust in each other. Then on Saturday morning, we enjoyed having breakfast together, followed by a short rehearsal to seam up the last-minute reminders.
Then off we went to make our individual preparations : styling our hair appropriately for the overall unit look of our chorus, applying our stage makeup (again for a unit look), and dressing in our spiffy red dress, fishnet stockings, and jewelry. We were scheduled, by groups, to have our hair and makeup reviewed by knowledgeable chorus members. Their job was to tweak our hair and/or makeup such that no individual singer sticks out of the visual unit.
The work of the costume, makeup, and hair-styling team members resulted in positive comments by the Showmanship judge – yea!!! And the other three judges (Sound, Music, and Expression) heard and felt the shining results of our vocal training, rehearsal sessions, and analytical feedback from the director. The bottom line is that we won the regional championship of Region 10!!!! We scored 664 points, which puts us at the A- scoring level. Wow!! Now we have approximately 18 months to prepare to participate in the Sweet Adelines International competition in November 2016 in Las Vegas!!