TWSC, now that you’ve won your regional competition, what next? - A show!
This past weekend, The Woodlands Show Chorus again won its regional competition in Houston with another very high score. It was the fourth time this seven-year-old chorus has competed in the Sweet Adelines Region 10 Convention and Competition and the fourth time it has won with very high scores. “We were beside ourselves with excitement,” says Betty Clipman, the chorus’ Master Director and world-renowned coach, “but the real joy is being able to share our love of singing and our gift with a great audience and to see firsthand how the efforts of all the Region 10 choruses brought them closer to their dreams.” Betty’s vision is to musically educate women of all ages, enabling them to experience the joy of singing four-part harmony a capella style through improved vocal and performance skills. The chorus continually auditions new singers at their weekly 7:00 pm Monday rehearsals in their rehearsal hall located in the Lifestyle Building of the First Presbyterian Church in Conroe.
What’s next for this accomplished 70+ member women’s chorus? “Of course," explains Betty, "we will start immediately working toward the international competition in Louisville, Kentucky, [Fall 2020] for which we just qualified, but we are super excited to present a concert for the community on July 13, in which we are fortunate to feature the most amazing 2018 international silver medalist quartet, Viva!” The show will be held at St. Simon and Jude Catholic Church in The Woodlands and is called “TWSC Live, A Casual Evening of Red-Carpet Entertainment.” It is a wine and cheese event with other refreshments, a silent auction, door prizes and lots of four-part harmony, a cappella singing. Tickets range from $20 for senior/students/children, $25 adults and $30 reserved seating and can be obtained by emailing [email protected] or calling 713.688.6509.
International competition will not be a new adventure for TWSC as they have competed admirably in three international competitions in Baltimore, Las Vegas and this past October in St. Louis, even winning a top ten placement in 2016. This group of tenacious, goal-driven singers hails from many areas of southern Texas and believes in the joy of hard work, dedication and education. Their talent and work ethic attract coaches from all over the US to help facilitate their goals. They work vocal production and performance skills with vocal teachers, assistant directors and Betty weekly and a few specialized weekends.
TWSC has proudly presented its unique talents in performances for many events in and around The Woodlands and Conroe, such as pre-concert activities for The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, small stage performances at The Woodlands Waterway Art Festival, monthly meetings of the 105 Veterans and Lone Star Honor Flight, concerts at the Bernhardt winery, the 359th District Court’s Veterans Treatment Court, Greater Conroe Arts Alliance as well as several church and women’s groups in the area.
TWSC offers membership options in the local area and throughout southeast Texas. Women singers who are interested in joining the chorus must possess the ability to accurately memorize and sing a song; ability to hold their part while singing with other parts and a desire to perform. Their music includes special arrangements of today’s ballads, classic songs, popular show tunes and mainstream music. To learn more about this exciting chorus who rehearses at their new location, First Presbyterian Church, 2727 N. Loop 336 W, Conroe, TX 77304, visit their website, or call Sally at 713.208.0863. Visitors are always welcome at rehearsals.