While we have sung several times at various events in The Woodlands, we're so proud to say The Woodlands Show Chorus had their first show, Harmonizing the Holidays, November 21st and the crowds came!
Our fans waited patiently for this show since the chorus was but an idea in our heads back in 2012 and it was so much fun. There was a mixture of Christmas songs and a cast of characters that took the audience on a tour to Christmas City. We also sang songs we'll be performing in Baltimore MD at the Sweet Adelines' International Competition next November 2014.
We also had silent auction items, a bake sale, a concession stand and a 50/50 raffle, one lucky audience member left with $200+!
If you couldn't come to the show, have no fear we love singing, and have a lot of opportunities to sing at community events, and private parties. Check out the calender on our website at thewoodlandsshowchorus.org and join us soon and often.